Positive Thinking is Destroying America!!!!111one

May 19, 2023

Illustration by Robert Neubecker. Click image to expand.
By John Gravois
Dear Oprah,

Not too long ago, one of your viewers—a woman named Kim—wrote you to announce that she had decided to halt her breast-cancer treatments and heal herself with her mind. Kim had just seen your two shows dedicated to The Secret, the self-help phenomenon that says we shape the world with our thoughts, and she was inspired to bet her life on it.

You’re an optimistic lady, Oprah, but this gave even you the willies. So you went on the air to “clarify your thoughts” about the Law of Attraction, The Secret’s underlying theory that mind conjures matter. You implored Kim to go back to her treatments. And you told your audience that the Law of Attraction “is not the answer to everything. It is not the answer to atrocities or every tragedy.”

You saw the craziness in that logic, and good for you. But frankly, Oprah, I don’t think you’ve done quite enough to make up for turning the Law of Attraction into the biggest thing since TomKat. Since you gave it your endorsement, The Secret has become one of the fastest-selling books and probably the most successful infomercial in history. The gaggle of gurus who peddle The Secret’s message all over the world are still out there, arguing that it is the answer to every atrocity and tragedy. One went so far as to blame the suffering in Darfur on stinkin’ thinkin’.

That’s a lot to answer for. But don’t worry, Oprah. You still have the power to turn this entire misguided craze into a “teachable moment.” And I know how you can do it. Just have your people pick up the phone right now and invite Karen Cerulo on to your show.
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Recommended Brain Fitness

May 15, 2023

So, I was stumbling using StumbleUpon plugin for Firefox, and I found a couple sites to inspire the brain and make you think.
leadership training
The first one is a site called ShadowCards.com. Shadow Cards are a psychological tool that creates random metaphors, food for thought. These metaphors can relate to what’s going on in your life on different levels and thus trigger nourishing insight from the unconscious. Highly recommended to help make you think about things you probably need to think about. Do this during a quiet time.

Another great site that I found is called the Brain Fitness Channel. This site pertains to using your brain more effectively with activities and evaluations to help your brain become more fit.

If you haven’t heard of digg inc. before, I am sorry. But, it’s not too late for you, there is still time as they are hard at work at diggLabs with the Stack, BigSpy & Swarm. This is the new way for news delivery. A must for people who want that news about things are most important to us and our folksonomy.

This list will continue to grow and get bumped from time to time.

These sites are worth exploring! [Travis Wright]

Global PeaceWorks’ - Principles of Peaceful Leadership

April 24, 2023

Authentic leaders are aligned with universal principles of harmony principles which transcend culture and religion to enable peace on earth.

Global PeaceWorks offers a simple, yet powerful framework, that incorporates universal pinciples of peaceful leadership.  The principles are not simply taught, they are embodied and lived in our activities and projects.  This gives participants an experiential understanding that surpasses any academic understanding.

personal development

Create the Future - lead by example Build Trust - lead with integrity Serve Others - lead with love Model Peace - live in harmony Look WIthin - learn wisdom

Our framework begins with looking within to learn wisdom. We believe that within every culture there are traditions of wisdom which serve as a compass for decision making

Building trust to lead with integrity is the second principle and the foundation for healthy social relations.

Serving others - leading with love, is key to overcoming the age-old problem of self-centered leadership.

Creating the future - leading by example, is essential to creating a meaningful, peaceful future.

We bring each principle together to model peace and live in harmony as a diverse international community. We do this as a short-term model which can be a seed for each participant to bring to her home community.

Self Improvement Slump: How to Pull Yourself out of the Hole

April 23, 2023

by Aaron Potts

We’ve all been there. We get excited about some major new goal in our life, we get all fired up about making it happen, and then… zilch. Nothing happens. The very lives that we want to improve via our personal development and self improvement efforts get in our way, and our dreams of success on a massive scale fall by the wayside.

personal development

This is especially common when it comes to financial success or weight loss, and that is probably due to the fact that attaining financial stability or sustained weight loss are both things that take an on-going and consistent effort over the long-term.

The key to pulling yourself out of this self improvement slump is to find ways to once again become passionate about whatever it was that you wanted to accomplish in the first place.

A lot of people decide on some sort of personal development or self improvement program after a negative experience, and their goal becomes not wanting to experience that same type of situation again.

However, is NOT wanting something to happen really a strong enough motivation to keep yourself on track over the long-term so that you can attain the opposite of that thing?

For example, if you decide that you are finally going to get your finances together because you almost got kicked out of your apartment for not paying the rent, or you walked to work for 2 weeks until you could afford to get your car fixed, both of those experiences are pretty powerful motivators.

However, once you are back inside the comfort zone of having enough money to pay the bills, and your car is running fine, where is the motivation to achieve financial freedom that will keep you burning the midnight oil and working weekends in order to make that happen?

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