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Goal Setting Done Right

--> 27 12 2006

by CG.com Contributor, Josh Bickford
Goal Setting

If we want to do anything with our lives we must set proper goals. It’s not enough to just set goals, and wait for them to come about. We must set proper goals, and spend our time working our way towards them.

What most people miss when making their goals is that they set them too low. It’s pretty common thought, albeit wrong, to set goals that are “attainable.” This kind of logic is crazy, because what it’s really saying is that you can set goals that are easy, and goals that require little or no growth from you. If your goal requires little or no growth from you I would hardly call it a goal.

Mark Victor Hansen would tell you that you should set your goals and call them BHAG’s. That’s Big Hairy Audacious Goal. He’d tell you that your goal should be so big, so hairy that it scares you to death.

Bob Proctor would tell you that your goal should be so big that it both scares you and excites you at the same time. Your goal should be so big that you have no idea how you’re going to do it, you just know that you will.

Bruce Wilkinson says that you should aim for the impossible. The only way what you want is possible is for God to show up.

What are all three of these men saying? The same thing I’m going to tell you. Your goals need to be HUGE. If you want to make more money, make your goal to make WAY more money. If your goal is to lose 5 pounds, change that goal and make it to lose more. Use your goals to stretch yourself, to step out of your comfort zone, and to most importantly grow.

If you spend your time reaching for the foothills in life that is exactly where you will end up. You’ll live in the foothills with all the losers who aren’t bold enough to reach for something great. However, if you spend your life reaching for mountain tops, that’s also where you will end up. You’ll live on mountain tops and the view will be amazing. You’ll be surrounded by winners, and by people that decided to go against the flow of mediocrity and they stretched, grew, reached for and experienced magnificence!

So decide today to make big, nasty, scary, seemingly impossible goals. Stretch yourself, grow your faith, step out of your comfort zone and join me in the reach for magnificence!

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2 responses to “Goal Setting Done Right”

28 12 2006
Adam (04:05:33) :

Another very good article, I’ve commented on it on my site.

28 12 2006
bill perry (17:02:54) :

This is excellent advice! I was encouraged by a former teacher in junior high school (now it’s called Middle School, I guess), to set “realistic” goals. I feel that this sort of advice is downright dangerous because it carries with it the implied burden of a sort of lack of faith in oneself. “You probably won’t get much higher than X, so you should probably set your goal to be X-1.”

I had the pleasure of being given a nugget of wisdom by John Addison in March of this year. He told me, “if the goals you set don’t make everyone you know laugh in your face, then you aren’t reaching high enough!”

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