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Archive for the ‘Learning Techniques’ Category

life hacksby Denis Waitley

The world needs role models, instead of critics. Others know when you have their best interests at heart.

You are truly successful when you can extend a strong hand to someone who is reaching out or just trying to hang on.

Come through for others, and they will come through for you.

People who seek attention, need all the help they can get.

You know you’re a success when people tell you, “I like me best when I’m with you.”

If we succeed without sacrifice, it’s because someone sacrificed for us.

Real power comes by empowering others!

Promises should not be given lightly unless you want them lightly received.

If I help you win, then I win too!

Peter Drucker On Leadership

by Rich Karlgaard

Peter F. Drucker was born 95 years ago today [Nov. 19, 2004]-can it be possible?-in Vienna. The universally known writer, thinker and lecturer now is nearly deaf and doesn’t get around like he used to. He stopped giving media interviews about a year ago. But in late October, Drucker granted an exception to at the urging of Dr. Rick Warren, the founder and head of the Christian evangelical Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif.

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The Drucker-Warren relationship may surprise many readers, but it goes back two decades, to when the young minister came to Drucker for advice. Under Drucker’s tutelage, Warren’s own success as a spiritual entrepreneur has been considerable. Saddleback has grown to 15,000 members and has helped start another 60 churches throughout the world. Warren’s 2001 book, The Purpose-Driven Life, is this decade’s best seller with 19.5 million copies sold so far and compiling at the rate of 500,000 per month.

Warren and I met at Drucker’s surprisingly spartan home in Claremont, Calif., on a cloudy Tuesday morning. We were greeted by Drucker’s wife, Doris, and ushered into the den for what developed into a two-hour conversation. During the first 30 minutes, Drucker-a religious man himself, albeit of a more muted Episcopalian type as compared to Warren’s exuberant brand of Southern Baptist-advised Warren on the challenges of ministry and church building. This consultation is one Drucker and Warren have engaged in twice yearly for two decades. For the last 90 minutes we moved to broader topics. Below are Drucker’s thoughts on leadership. (Click here for Drucker’s official biography.)

What Needs to Be Done
Successful leaders don’t start out asking, “What do I want to do?” They ask, “What needs to be done?” Then they ask, “Of those things that would make a difference, which are right for me?” They don’t tackle things they aren’t good at. They make sure other necessities get done, but not by them. Successful leaders make sure that they succeed! They are not afraid of strength in others. Andrew Carnegie wanted to put on his gravestone, “Here lies a man who knew how to put into his service more able men than he was himself.”

Check Your Performance
Effective leaders check their performance. They write down, “What do I hope to achieve if I take on this assignment?” They put away their goals for six months and then come back and check their performance against goals. This way, they find out what they do well and what they do poorly. They also find out whether they picked the truly important things to do. I’ve seen a great many people who are exceedingly good at execution, but exceedingly poor at picking the important things. They are magnificent at getting the unimportant things done. They have an impressive record of achievement on trivial matters.

Mission Driven
Leaders communicate in the sense that people around them know what they are trying to do. They are purpose driven-yes, mission driven. They know how to establish a mission. And another thing, they know how to say no. The pressure on leaders to do 984 different things is unbearable, so the effective ones learn how to say no and stick with it. They don’t suffocate themselves as a result. Too many leaders try to do a little bit of 25 things and get nothing done. They are very popular because they always say yes. But they get nothing done.

Recommended Brain Fitness

So, I was stumbling using StumbleUpon plugin for Firefox, and I found a couple sites to inspire the brain and make you think.
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The first one is a site called Shadow Cards are a psychological tool that creates random metaphors, food for thought. These metaphors can relate to what’s going on in your life on different levels and thus trigger nourishing insight from the unconscious. Highly recommended to help make you think about things you probably need to think about. Do this during a quiet time.

Another great site that I found is called the Brain Fitness Channel. This site pertains to using your brain more effectively with activities and evaluations to help your brain become more fit.

If you haven’t heard of digg inc. before, I am sorry. But, it’s not too late for you, there is still time as they are hard at work at diggLabs with the Stack, BigSpy & Swarm. This is the new way for news delivery. A must for people who want that news about things are most important to us and our folksonomy.

This list will continue to grow and get bumped from time to time.

These sites are worth exploring! [Travis Wright]

By Michelle L. Casto

Success in the modern world takes more than just information and knowledge. You must apply what you know to real life situations and you must be open to learning, un-learning, and re-learning. With the rapid advancement of technology, fluctuating economy and societal and corporate changes, you must adopt a learning mindset in order to succeed. Indeed, the key to lifelong earning is lifelong learning.

As you embark on this lifelong learning path, strive to always be a student. Open yourself to new ideas, information, concepts and be adaptable—there are essential for the new world of work. Some benefits of becoming a lifelong learner are: increased self confidence when approaching new tasks or ideas persistence in pursuing goals better decision-making and problem solving skills the ability to be a career strategist improved time management and organizational skills the ability to change with the times greater personal satisfaction higher pay and employment opportunities.

To become a student of life, start by finding out how you learn best. There are three ways people learn: auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), and kinesthetic (doing). If you are not sure which type you are, ask yourself, “How do I like to be given directions?” If you are an auditory learner, you prefer to be told how to get there. If you are a visual learner, you prefer to be shown how to get there. If you are a kinesthetic learner, you prefer to actually drive there yourself.

By Leon Edward

Everyone has heard of an IQ test. The potential of the brain is called intelligence quotient or I.Q. These tests use the theories of unitary and multiple, which is believed to the two main theories when studying the brain.
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Unitary refers to the part of the brain where the linguistic and mathematical capacities and confined them to that area. While the multiply theory include the parts of the brain that use visual/ spatial, musical/rhythmic, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal or intrapersonal development.

It has been determined that there is only three ways to increase your brains potential.

You first have to determine what you are good at. Very few people are good at everything. A person is considered intelligent whether their skill is derived from music, visual, body, or intrapersonal, intelligence.

Most people possess these skills and probably do not even realize it. If you are a creative person at heart, try your hand at writing, acting or singing.

You may be amazed at how well you do. Some people are born with in affinity for numbers; you may not think it is anything special, however others may. There are so many different areas in which you the potential excel.

Gymnastics, Dancing, building or designing, you do not know what you are capable of doing until you try. You get the most amazing feeling when you accomplish something you have never done before. If you do not even try, you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Very few people are classified as geniuses. A genius is a person who has extreme intelligence. Such people include Einstein, Mozart and Bach. These brilliant men accomplished greatness through their genius. This is not to say that you have to be a genius to be successful. It simply means that you should use your brain to the fullest extent that you can. The more you try to improve yourself, the more your brain will benefit from it. When you utilize your brains potential you can achieve anything. Using your will power can point you in the right direction.

Why It is So Difficult to Live at Maximum Power…and How You Can Turn Your Inner Darkness to Your Positive Advantage.

By Jorj Elprehzleinn

Now I am going to talk about something that is the last thing that you would want to talk about. Your dark side (notice I didn’t say I would talk about mine:)

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
—Jesus Christ, the Gospel of St. Thomas

The darkness we have within us is what psychologist Carl Jung calls”our shadow”. A person may consider these aspects of them self bad, evil, or unwanted. After all, that is what darkness is right?
darth vader
The archetypal belief that dark equals evil makes it difficult to gain power from the darkness within. For if you do, then social ideas about right and wrong, good and bad can restrain your passions and deepest inspirations.

The purpose of my writing today, is to ask you this question: What is it that you might have locked away inside of you that you would not like it to see the light of day? These are the very things that properly cared for and nurtured could be the source of some of your greatest power for good.

In your quest to discover them you must venture with light into your own darkness. This is a task that naturally we are not inclined to do. (more…)

Remodeling Your Mind

By Annette Siegel

Let’s take a look at the metaphysical principle - mind is the builder. Your beliefs about yourself together with whatever the strongest emotions are within you will draw to you, the experience that most truly represents these ideas or images.

This is a mouthful! I’ll explain.

Essentially it’s about the beliefs you hold about yourself, your abilities, your talents, your world. They are expressed in full color, wide screen reality in the movie which is your life.

“Beliefs create reality; they are magical constructs created in your mind, energized in your imagination, and fuelled by your feelings.” Barbara Marciniak in Path of Empowerment

Your life, your everyday experience is the way it is because you have created it. Your physical reality acts as a feedback mechanism to show you just what your belief systems are.

If this is so, then in every moment you are given the opportunity to look around at your life, and question whether these beliefs you have are producing the desired result in your life.

Have I achieved what I aimed for?
Does my life look like I imagined it?
Are my relationships successful?
Am I comfortable with who I am?
What do I want to do with my life?
Where is my life going?

Your life, in all of its vibrant color, is there to show you that you have
a choice. If you don’t like what you see, how can you change it?

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