Remodeling Your Mind

11 04 2007

By Annette Siegel

Let’s take a look at the metaphysical principle - mind is the builder. Your beliefs about yourself together with whatever the strongest emotions are within you will draw to you, the experience that most truly represents these ideas or images.

This is a mouthful! I’ll explain.

Essentially it’s about the beliefs you hold about yourself, your abilities, your talents, your world. They are expressed in full color, wide screen reality in the movie which is your life.

“Beliefs create reality; they are magical constructs created in your mind, energized in your imagination, and fuelled by your feelings.” Barbara Marciniak in Path of Empowerment

Your life, your everyday experience is the way it is because you have created it. Your physical reality acts as a feedback mechanism to show you just what your belief systems are.

If this is so, then in every moment you are given the opportunity to look around at your life, and question whether these beliefs you have are producing the desired result in your life.

Have I achieved what I aimed for?
Does my life look like I imagined it?
Are my relationships successful?
Am I comfortable with who I am?
What do I want to do with my life?
Where is my life going?

Your life, in all of its vibrant color, is there to show you that you have
a choice. If you don’t like what you see, how can you change it?

You might be commenting to yourself, ‘Well OK, I have chosen differently but it hasn’t happened for me’.

How come? What is it that gets in the way?

Clearing The Terminals

This is a perfect opportunity to tell you what happened to me, just today. I was down at the local shopping centre with my partner, Stuart, and we’d stopped in at our favorite café for coffee … often a daily habit, I must admit.

Returning to our trusty car – affectionately known as Miss Divine – I inserted the key into the ignition … and … nothing, zilch, nada, a big fat zero!!!

Well I don’t know about you but I have a thing about cars that don’t work. They drive me nuts - if they don’t work they’re useless.

I called the mechanic who came out to meet us in town. He thought it was the battery, so brought a new one with him.

When the bonnet was up, he peered in at the battery, checked the connectors and found extensive corrosion on the terminals. Apparently, this had eaten away at the wiring and as a result, of course, the car could not get any power. The power supply was cut.

Now, as this was happening, I thought about the situation. I realized here was a perfect metaphor for what happens to us, as individuals, when we don’t ‘clear our terminals’ or clear away, the old beliefs which don’t work.

In a way, the car was reflecting my thinking.

Obviously, to me, the terminal needed ongoing cleaning and attention so as to provide my vehicle with the power it needs and to prevent this from happening again.

Transfer this to my life … and … you can guess the rest!

If you don’t keep clearing out the old residual energies – in the form of stored negative data – then this clutter weakens your power.

Slowly, slowly, you lose your force. It lies buried in the corrosive negative beliefs you hold onto… one on top of the other. (Maybe this is where the idea of peeling away the onion layers comes from)

Simply put – it eats away at you.

This stored data has the effect of filtering the power you express. So what you’re able to give to your world is a watered-down version… a little like a dripping tap.

If there is any area in your life not working, then you are not living in your power. You hold back from life, in one way or another. If you want to change this and participate in life with a sense of joy and fulfillment, then you’ve got to clean up your act!

At times, some of what I see about myself does trigger change. Whether I do it through some kind of meditative practice, affirmation, working on it with some therapy or other. We all have a choice-bank of personal development methods to change a worn-out idea into a more desirable belief pattern. Perhaps you’ve tried several of these yourself.

You are consciously aware of some of these beliefs of yours and if so, you can choose to change them. However, certain beliefs are buried away in the unconscious parts of yourself and because of this, you are not aware of them. Most often this is the reason, at times, you feel the emotional discomforts of fear, doubt, guilt or judgment and react in a particular way in certain situations.

By exploring these beliefs, you can discover self sabotaging behaviors preventing you from success – and blocking you from moving on or taking action. In effect, you come to understand the deep significance of these beliefs.

Whatever it is and whatever way it represents itself in your life …
this is what you must deal with.

Let’s review the basics:

 These unconscious beliefs are the drivers
 Not you
 These beliefs decide what you consider is possible
 From these beliefs come the thoughts and emotions
 From the thought, comes the experience
 Easy as 1 … 2 … 3

Keep asking questions, be aware and happy hunting
Annette ;-)

Copyright © 2007 Annette Siegel

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