The Fear Factor!

30 10 2006

by Clestine Herbert

Fear has paralyzed some and curtailed the plans of others. It can start as small as a mustard seed, and then develop into a large oak tree. Fear is always lurking around the corner, hiding behind characteristics, and then showing up in unforeseen circumstances. It has escorted many men and women through life, then tragically to their grave, secretly choking, and then burying dreams that burned in theirs hearts yet never had a chance to come forth: dreams never achieved, never accomplished. When we dwell on fear, we feed it and award it life. When we discuss our fear without a plan to overcome it, we grant it permission to continue to haunt and harass us. The simple truth is some type of fear is always waiting for an opportunity to be fed and to come alive. So, if fear is constantly on our heel, how can we overcome it? The answer is courage!

Through life’s experience, I have learned something profound: Courage is doing what you know you have to do or what needs to be done with fear. Many of our great leaders of yesteryear and today performed heroic acts or fulfilled necessary commitments with some level of fear. When I began my speaking career years ago, (of course back then I did not know it was about to become my career) I learned to do it with fear.

I remember one particular speaking engagement in North Carolina over 3 years ago. I was so nervous that my throat muscles were tightening up, my heart was beating so fast that I got a severe headache and my hands and feet were shaking so much that my entire body became weak. I silently prayed, and then decided that I was going to ignore all of my physical reactions and all the negative thoughts that were assaulting my mind. I chose to focus on something positive, the person that was speaking a head of me, and silently repeated positive confessions to override the negative thoughts. When it was my time to get up to speak, I walked towards the microphone with an outward expression of purpose, grace and confidence (even though there was a war going on inside of me). Determined to project confidence, I began my speech with a well-poised demeanor and a clear, well-projected voice (while holding on for dear life to the side of the podium). Guess what happened next? My hands stopped shaking, the injurious thoughts stopped and encouraging words flowed forth.

When you face your fears with a prayer, an outward expression of confidence and a spirit determined to ignore and overcome fear, your fear will eventually go away. After this incident, I learned not to dwell on fear (unless attempting to discover where it is coming from). It behooves us all to do what we know we are purposed to do — with fear. Once you begin to accomplish what you know in your heart you must, your courage will crush fears ugly head. Now when I speak, I have no fear. Because I learned how to manage and reduce my fear. I have also become used to doing other things that I know I must do with fear. I have learned a valuable lesson — that fear can dissipate. So if you know you have a vision, dream or goal, but you have fears, be courageous. Do what you have to do with fear! Do it afraid!

About the Author

Clestine I. Herbert is the founder and CEO of Divine Discipline, a life development company dedicated to empowering individuals and developing businesses, organizations and churches. Divine Discipline provides personal, professional and spiritual development through keynote speeches, training,teambuilding, coaching, planning and development.

For a current list of seminars, workshops, and booking information go to

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One response to “The Fear Factor!”

16 10 2007
Corporate Diva (15:28:59) :

Hey Clestine,

Loved the article. We have the power to overcome any limitation as long as we believe that we can! You believed it, confessed it and it became your reality. Congratulations my sister…the sky is not even the limit!

Donna Hicks-Mitchell

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