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Are You Ready To Die?

--> 10 01 2007

graveby CG.com Contributor Josh Bickford

Imagine yourself as old and frail, you’ve lived a very long life. Right now you’re lying on your deathbed, a small white bed, buttons beeping everywhere around you, doctors and nurses scurrying everywhere you see. You know you’ve reached your end, and your life begins to flash before your eyes.

What are you thinking of? What is it that you’re going to be remembered for? Did you accomplish everything that you wanted to accomplish? Did you fulfill the purpose of your life?

As the doctors take more tests and poke and prod you who is it that you want to see? Did you have the kind of relationships that you wanted to have? Are the relationships you had with your family what you wanted? Do you get to meet the people you wanted to know, did you treat people in a way that you will be missed?

While you may be distracted by all the movement, noise and worried looks you see around you, the things your mind thinks of have nothing to do with the present. You’re thoughts are entirely focused on your life.

What are you leaving to your family? What inheritence will your heirs be left with? Are you proud of the way you stewarded over your money, and your time? Did you give to causes that you wanted to give to? Were you able to live your life free of financial worry? Are you leaving enough to your family to cover your funeral costs?

As you hear the beeping turn to alarms, and hear people say lots of things loudly that scare you– you’ve been left to your final thoughs.

Did I fulfill my purpose? Did I live the best life I could? Will I be remembered or forgotten? Did I do everything that I wanted to? Did I give my dreams life and expression, or are they all going to die with me?

All of these questions you will ask yourself. The question that I have for you is will you ask them now, or will you wait until you no longer have the time to determine the answers?

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7 responses to “Are You Ready To Die?”

11 01 2007
Grigor (01:52:35) :

Thinking about our death may be distressful and make us feel anxious, but it is a good way to judge what we have accomplished until now and, what is most important, what we still can until we really die.

11 01 2007
Grant (15:49:24) :

While I can appreciate the thought behind the entry, the title is terribly morbid and depressing. Why sit around and ponder what you may miss in your life by thinking about your future self looking back? Why not use that time instead to define goals and get started on them, today. The morbid route can be revealing yes, but it can also suck you in and keep your thoughts negative and fearing. .02

11 01 2007
Josh Bickford (16:23:57) :

Well said.

11 01 2007
Craig Harper (23:54:35) :

Hey Josh.

Great Post!

We’re so focused on creating a career, marrying before a certain age, producing our 2.3 kids, doing what’s expected, making money, ticking boxes, doing all the necessary ‘practical life’ stuff, that we gradually and un-intentionally, lose part of ourselves.

Of course we have to make money, pay bills and do all those grown-up things, but for many of us, somewhere along the way we lost the idealist, the dreamer, the optimist and the kid in us, who was always going to do and be something amazing.

One day we will be lying on our death-bed.

Keep up the great writing Josh!

Craig Harper (Melbourne, Australia)

14 01 2007
Dave (10:57:11) :

Great article!! It really touches into the most important intentions to work with. As I get older, there is often an undercurrent of unease that I think has to do with not looking at this. When I do, I can feel that unease diminishes. My intention with a lot of self work is to be able to greet each day with, “It’s a good day to die”.

P.S. I don’t find the title morbid at all - its a great questions. If you are ready to die, you are living fully!

16 01 2007
Ron Schoof (11:39:00) :

While thoughts of death are possibly distressful, I believe as long as we don’t lose sight of what we are here on earth for in the first place, we should think ahead. I know what I want on my tombstone.


19 01 2007
Josh Bickford (15:17:03) :

I read your comment and all I could think was if you asked most people if they knew what they wanted on their tombstone they would say yes as well. Except they’d then tell you “pepperoni and sausage.”

Haha, pathetic and sad, but makes me laugh as well.

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