Book by Brett Wilder 本书由Brett王尔德

Being a millionaire is a realistic aspiration if you are knowledgeable and diligent about becoming one.作为一个百万富翁是一种现实的共同愿望,如果你是知识渊博,勤奋约成为一。 Today, people are required to accumulate greater amounts of money to fund their lifetime goals and objectives than was necessary by previous generations.今天,人们需要积累更多的大量的金钱,以基金其一生的目标和目的比是必要的,由先前的几代人。 This book covers what should be included in a comprehensive financial management program for people of all ages who want to live a financially independent and secure lifestyle.这本书涵盖应该包括哪些内容,在一个全面的财务管理计划,为各种年龄的人谁不想住一个在财政上的独立和安全的生活方式。 It shows reliable ways to plan and manage the emotional aspects of money, cash flow, assets, liabilities, taxes, investments, employee benefits, insurance, health care, business ownership, college financing, accumulated estate wealth, and, most critical, how not to run out of money during retirement.它表明可靠的方式规划和管理的情感方面的金钱,现金流量,资产,负债,税收,投资,员工福利,保险,保健,企业所有权,高校,金融,地产,积累了财富,并在最关键的,如何不到一发不可收拾的钱,在退休。

In today’s often confusing and contradictory world of information overload, the reader is informed how to discern and distinguish what information is beneficially useful or harmful to his or her financial well-being.在今天的往往是混乱和矛盾的世界,信息超载,读者是告知如何辨别和区分哪些信息是有用的实益或有害的,以他或她的金融福祉。 Moreover, if professional assistance is desired, guidance is provided for how to select and work with a financial advisor as well as how and when paying for an advisor’s help is justified.此外,如果专业协助,是理想的,提供指导,为如何选择和工作与财务顾问,以及如何及何时支付顾问的帮助下是合理的。

You hear about the wealth of Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and others loudly publicized.您听到的关于财富的唐纳德特朗普,比尔盖茨,华伦自助餐,和其他人大声宣传。 However, there are many other people who quietly build their wealth, and so can you!然而,还有许多其他的人静静地建设自己的财富,使你能!

Achieving millionaire status used to be a noteworthy financial accomplishment.实现百万富翁的地位,原本是一个值得注意的财务成绩。 Today, it is a necessity in order to have a financially independent and secure lifestyle.今天,它是一个必要性,以便有一个在财政上的独立和安全的生活方式。 Everyone’s life is unique, yet there are common elements to the financial and investment management processes in order to be successful.每个人的生活是独一无二的,但有共同的要素,以金融和投资管理的进程,以获得成功。

This book is about how to become and stay a quiet millionaire.这本书是有关如何成为并保持一个安静的百万富翁。 It will guide you through the opportunities and pitfalls you face in managing today’s fast-changing and challenging lifetime issues with respect to your financial life.该网站将引导您通过的机会和陷阱,你所面对的管理今天的瞬息万变和充满挑战的一生中的问题与尊重您的财务生活。 You will be able to discern and distinguish what information is beneficially useful or harmful to your financial well-being.你将能够识别和区分哪些信息是有用的实益或有害到您的金融福祉。

It will help you to recognize how your lifetime financial needs change and learn reliable ways to manage these changes.这将有助于你认识到如何在您的人生财务需求的不断变化和学习可靠的方式来管理这些变化。 You will be shown how to comprehensively plan and manage your emotional side of money, cash flow, assets, liabilities, taxes, investments, employee benefits, insurance, health care, business ownership, college financing, accumulated estate wealth, and, most critical, how not to run out of money during retirement.您将如何表现出全面规划和管理您的情绪方面的资金,现金流量,资产,负债,税收,投资,员工福利,保险,保健,企业所有权,高校,金融,地产,积累了财富,并在最关键的,如何不失控的钱在退休。

If you decide to seek professional assistance, you will know how to select and work with a financial advisor before you hire one and whether paying for an advisor’s help is justified.如果您决定要寻求专业协助,你就会知道如何选择和工作与财务顾问,聘请前,你一和是否支付顾问的帮助下是合理的。

By applying the knowledge from this book to your situation, you will have more control over your financial life; by using the same strategies, you will have more peace about your financial security, and be The Quiet Millionaire.运用知识,这本书到您的情况下,您将有更多的控制权你的财务生活;使用相同的策略,你将会有更多的和平,您的金融安全,和宁静的百万富翁。