by Travis WrightWaking up in Morning Ritual

Ok, Seems like we have been talking about it for years. Seriously. What is the best morning ritual in which to start your day? What would be the perfect way to wake up each morning? The optimal way to start your day.

Do we get up at the ass-crack of dawn and abide by Benjamin Franklin’s most known mantra, ‘Early to Bed, Early to Rise… Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’

Well, damn. I want all three of those things. I want to be able to live optimally, in a peak state and secure my goals and live the life I have always dreamed about. Sure. Tell me more. But I tell ya… Its a hard thing to define.

And for some, myself at the top of the list, Waking up early in the Morning is my master. Mornings own my ass. My head, in the past, does not want to wake up from the sleep funk. heh. That is no lie.

So, for me, it seems that I have always known that getting up early in the morning is the way to go. And it seems that I have never listened to reason, and begin waking up early.

Action Step: Get a pen and paper… step AWAY from the keyboard and define your perfect morning ritual. Do this by asking yourself optimal questions. Instead of disencouraging statements to yourself, during self-talk… ask optimized questions. Ask and it is Given.

Write down what would make you most happy in the morning. What would happen? How would your morning be? What song would your radio alarm play to start your day? And maybe, if you heard more music to start your day… would you feel better immediately? Think of that!

Questions to Ask yourself on How to Wake in the Morning and create your perfect morning ritual.

How can I wake up early EVERYDAY!

What is the BEST Way to Wake in the Morning?

How can I FEEL GREAT in the Morning?

What could I do that Would Feel AWESOME in the Morning?

If you ask yourself these type of questions. You can customize your day, everyday… starting from the get-go.

So, if I were to ever follow through and enjoy the perfect morning. It would go something like this.

  1. Wake up to the Tom Petty Song, “I Won’t Back Down”
  2. Then immediately save three dollars in the Million Dollar Savings Club, $1 Investing Pile - $1 Savings Pile - $1 Charity Pile
  3. Brush My Teeth! Take care of your smile. Take care of your tongue. Take care of your health. Take care of your life….
  4. Go take a nap
  5. Just kidding on the last one. I want you to define your own perfect morning schedule.

    Perhaps you want to go for a run or for a walk first thing? Perhaps sitting in a chill place with a cup of coffee and complete silence might make a morning companion. Java and Meditation. Can they coexist? heh. Im not a big coffee fan, but I know there are legions of people out there, loving them some coffee.

    Maybe you have some fresh coffee brewing by an alarm and you wake to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning?

    Perhaps you have a ritual of taking your dog for a run/walk first thing in the morning. Maybe you should get up at 5am and start your morning like Personal Development Blogger, Steve Pavlina does… in his article “How to Become an Early Riser”.

    Many of the members of his forum are also getting up at 5am. I tried getting up at 5am, and I just aint feelin’ it yet. So for me, I wake up still at the very last possible minute, and jump in shower… grab a quick bite to eat, either cereal or a local fast food breakfast. And miss out on all the amazing great things that I could be doing to start my morning routine.

    I do listen to Tom Petty in the morning though. That one is easy to do. I just hear it 5 times each morning. In fact, I think Im kind of sick of that song now. Maybe I need a fresh song. Ha Ha.

    Damn you mornings! Why must you make it so tough on us Night time people!

    Anyway, if you want to create your perfect morning each morning, do so. It will probably be one of the most rewarding things to conquer in your life. If it is, let me know how it works out for you.

    Please add some suggestions / blog comments to help us all form our perfect morning. This is part of the reason I wrote this entry, was to have you guys HELP ME with ideas about waking up. So feel free to shoot them our way, so we can share our ideas, and formulate our perfect custom morning ritual so we can have the BEST LIFE EVER!!


    Much Love-

    Travis Wright
    Cultivate Greatness | Personal Development

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