By Doug Stevenson由Doug史蒂文森

As the waiters cleared the dessert plates from the banquet tables, Joanne, the VP of Sales, stepped to the podium and began the annual meeting.作為侍應清理甜品板從宴會桌,喬安妮,銷售副總裁,加強到講台上,並開始了年度會議。 The CEO, Jeff Carlson, could feel the heat building under his collar.該公司首席執行官,傑夫卡爾森,可以感覺到熱的建設,根據他的衣領。 He wiped his sweaty palms on the linen napkin and took another sip of water to wet his cottonmouth lips.他擦,他出汗的手掌上的亞麻餐巾,並採取了另一個SIP的水,以濕cottonmouth他的嘴唇。

Joanne welcomed everyone with charm and candor.喬安妮歡迎大家與魅力和坦率。 She got a few laughs with a short story about the Region Three delivery truck that was impounded for parking illegally.她得到了一個數笑說,與短期的故事,該地區3交付的卡車被扣押非法停車。 Then came the moment when she introduced Jeff.後來的時候,她介紹了傑夫。

As he moved toward the podium, he felt time stand still.他走向講台,他認為,時間停滯不前。 The room was dark except for the spotlight, which felt to Jeff like a heat lamp beaming on his face.房間是黑暗的,除了聚光燈下,認為傑夫像烤燈喜氣洋洋的對他的臉上。 He glanced down at his notes, made a funny comment about the driver of the truck, and then, with hands shaking almost uncontrollably, launched into his speech.他glanced下來,在他的筆記,作了有趣的評論,有關司機的卡車,然後雙手動搖,幾乎失控,發射到他的演辭。

Afterward, as his mental acuity returned to normal, he asked his wife how he did.隨後,他的精神視力恢復正常,他詢問,他的妻子,他如何做。 He really didn’t know.他真的不知道。 It was as if he wasn’t there during the speech, at least not as the confident and secure CEO that he knew himself to be.這是因為如果他是不是有在講話中,至少不作為的信心和安全的首席執行官說,他知道自己要。

Jeff knew instinctively that something was missing when he spoke in front of a group.傑夫知道本能地認為,一些失踪,他發言時,在前面的一組。 After observing the confidence and poise of the guest speaker that followed him, he finally put a name to it: his power.後觀測的信心和冷靜的嘉賓講者認為,跟隨他,他終於把一個名稱給它的:他的權力。 In every other aspect of his life, he was a confident and powerful man.在每一個其他方面他的一生,他是一個自信和強大的男子。 But when he stepped in front of a room full of people to speak, he lost connection to that power.但是當他加強在前面的一個房間擠滿了人發言,他失去了連接的權力。

Does that happen to you?這是否發生在你身上? Do you feel the same level of confidence and power while giving a speech as you do while running your company or department?你覺得同一水平的信心和力量的同時,一講話精神為你做的同時,運行您的公司或部門? If not, it’s time to learn an important skill that will make sure you retain your power on the platform: strategic storytelling.如果不是,它的時間去學習的一個重要技能,將請務必保留您的權力,在該平台上:戰略故事。

Storytelling is a powerful leadership tool.故事是一個有力的領導工具。 It puts you in touch with your authentic power so you can motivate and inspire your audience.它可以讓您與您的觸摸真實的權力,讓您可以激勵和鼓舞您的受眾。 Professional speakers have learned how to turn storytelling into an art form.專業的發言者已經學會了如何把故事變成一種藝術形式。 They know they can both connect with their audience and deliver vital messages using the power of storytelling.他們知道他們既可以連接與他們的觀眾和提供重要的訊息,使用的權力,講故事。

Stories are the perfect form of communication working on many levels.故事是完美形式的溝通工作在許多層面上。 Because they are inherently visual and stimulate the imagination, stories cause the non-linear right brain to get engaged; because the sequence of the story is linear, they cause the left linear brain to get engaged.因為他們是天生的視覺刺激的想像力,故事,引起非線形右腦獲得從事;因為序列的故事是線性的,他們的事業在左邊的線性腦獲得從事。 Stories are emotional as well as educational, thus connecting the head and the heart.故事的情緒,以及教育,因此,連接頭部和心臟。 They are well received by auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners because well-crafted stories can incorporate all modes of learning.他們以及所收到的聽覺,視覺,動覺學習者,因為良好的製作故事,可以把所有形式的學習。 In short, stories are the window through which audience members see their own truth.在短期內,故事是窗口,通過它,觀眾看到自己的真相。

Why then, do some stories work and others don’t?那麼,為何,做一些故事,工作及其他不? The answer lies in the art of storytelling.答案就在於藝術的故事。 Almost any story has the potential to be a great story.幾乎任何一個故事,有潛力成為一個偉大的故事。 The secret is in choosing and crafting a story for its strategic use.秘密是在選擇和工藝,一個故事,供其使用的戰略。

Here are a few criteria to apply to using stories in your business speeches:這裡有一些準則,適用於使用的故事,在您的企業的發言:

Share personal stories.分享個人的故事。 Audience members want to know who you are and what you believe.觀眾大家想知道你是誰,以及您該如何相信。 Stories from your life humanize you and make you more approachable.故事從您的生活和人性,你讓你更平易近人。 They reveal the person beneath the title.他們揭示了人下方的標題。 Research affirms that people follow leaders they trust and believe in. By sharing personal stories that teach lessons from your life, you reveal the source of your wisdom as a leader.研究申明人民的後續領導人,他們的信任和相信英寸分享個人的故事,教導教訓,從您的生活,你透露的來源,您的智慧,作為一個領導人。 Before listeners buy into what you have to say, they have to buy you.之前,聽眾買什麼,你必須說,他們有購買你。 You are the message.你的訊息。 Given that, the next question becomes: What’s your story?鑑於,接下來的問題是:什麼是你的故事嗎?

Make a point.提出一點。 When told in front of business audiences, stories have to make a point, so strive to match the point you want to make to the story you tell before you begin.當告訴在前面的商業觀眾,故事要作出點,所以努力,以配合點,您要作出的故事,你告訴你開始之前。 But be careful.但必須小心。 Never attach a point to a story that doesn’t fit naturally.從來沒有重視這一點,以一個故事不符合自然。 The point should flow effortlessly out of the story.這一點應毫不費力地流出來的故事。 When you know the point you want to teach, ask yourself, “Where did I learn that lesson?” Search for stories from your own life and fan out from there.當你知道這點你想教導,問問自己, “如果我知道的教訓” ?尋找的故事,從自己的生活和風扇從有。 Start crafting your story with your key point in mind.開始起草您的故事與您的關鍵點主意。

Here’s an example.這裡的一個例子。 In one of my keynote talks, I teach the value of focusing on solutions instead of problems by telling a story about running late for a speech in Kansas City.在我的一個基調會談,我教的價值,著眼於解決方案,而不是問題,講述一個故事,運行遲到了講話在堪薩斯城。 My plane had been delayed and, to make matters worse, when I finally arrived at the airport, I missed the only shuttle that would have taken me to my appointment on time.我的飛機被延誤,使問題更糟的是,當我終於抵達機場,我錯過了,只有穿梭表示,會採取我到我的任命上的時間。 So I spotted a limo at the curbside and, out of desperation, asked the driver if he could give me a ride.因此,我發現一名豪華轎車在路邊,走出絕望,問司機如果他能夠給我一個旅程。 His other passenger had just cancelled so he said yes.他的其他乘客剛剛取消,因此,他說是的。

By focusing on the solution, I saw the limo, took action, and got to my appointment on time.著眼於解決辦法,我看到豪華轎車,採取了行動,到了我被任命的時間。 Had I focused on the problem, I would have waited for the next shuttle and been late.如果我的重點是對這個問題的話,我會等待下次航天飛機和已晚。 I wouldn’t have seen the opportunity for an innovative solution.我不會看到了機會,一個創新的解決方案。 This key point flows out of my limo story and, at the end, I suggest that when things don’t work out the way they’re supposed to, then “Look for the Limo.”這個關鍵點,流動出我的豪華轎車的故事和,截至去年底,我建議,當事情不工作方式,他們假定,然後“你看,為豪華轎車” 。

The magic is in the details.魔術是在有關的細節。 To stimulate your listeners’ imaginations, be sure to craft your stories with rich detail.刺激你的聽眾的想像力,請務必工藝您的故事,具備豐富的細節。 Remember and relate every nuance, every character, and every emotion.請記住,並涉及每一個細節,每一個字符,每一個情緒。 Was someone driving a car or an old beat up Chevy with spongy shock absorbers that made it shimmy down the street like Elvis’ pelvis?是有人開車或一歲毆打雪佛蘭與海綿減震器,使得它擺在街上像貓王'骨盆? Did the waiter take your order or did he recite all ten specials of the day as if he were auditioning for Steven Spielberg’s new movie?做侍應生,採取您的訂單或他背誦的所有10特價的一天,如果他是試聽,為斯皮爾伯格的新電影嗎? Paint pictures with words.塗料的圖片文字遊戲。 Use a fine brush, not a roller.使用罰款一刀切,而不是一個軋輥。

Show and tell.查看,並告訴。 Stories come alive when the storyteller re-creates certain moments.故事來時還活著故事重新創建某些時刻。 Get out from behind the lectern so you can “show and tell.” Move from narration to action and back again.擺脫背後的講台,讓您可以“顯示,並告訴”從敘事的行動,並再次回。 If you simply narrate a past event, it comes across as interesting.如果您只是敘述過去的事件,遇到有趣。 If you re-create that same event, it comes across as powerful and intriguing.如果您重新創建相同的事件,它遇到強大和耐人尋味。 You probably relay show-and-tell stories with animation all the time.你大概繼電器顯示和敘述故事與動畫的所有時間。 Present them as if you were in an intimate setting with a few close friends.目前他們如果你在親切的環境與數的貼心人。 Be natural.很自然的。 Whatever you do “off stage” do it “on-stage.” And have fun.不管您怎麼做“小康階段” ,這樣做,關於“階段。 ”並享受其中的樂趣。

Author’s Bio作者的生物

Doug Stevenson, president of Story Theater International, is a storytelling in business expert.道格斯蒂文森,總統的故事戰區國際,是一個講故事的業務專家。 He is the creator of The Story Theater Method and the author of the book, Never Be Boring Again - Make Your Business Presentations Capture Attention, Inspire Action, and Produce Results.他是造物主的故事戰區的方法和本書的作者,永遠不會沉悶,再次-讓您的業務演示吸引人們的注意力,激發行動,並產生結果。 Learn more at:了解更多信息: