By R.Pettinger 的R. pettinger

Meditation can simplify our lives and help us live in the eternal now.冥想可以簡化我們的生活和幫助我們生活在永恆的現在。 When we enter into real meditation we experience a real sense of peace and joy.當我們進入真正的冥想我們經歷了一次真正意義上的和平與喜悅。 To gain access to this inner reality meditation is necessary.獲得這個黨內現實的冥想是必要的。 These are some tips to help improve our meditation.這些都是一些提示,以幫助改善我們的沉思。
1. 1 。 Proper Breathing.適當的呼吸。 If we can carefully regulate our breathing this will be a great aid to our meditation.如果我們能認真規範我們的呼吸,這將是一個偉大的援助,以我們的沉思。 When we slow down and become conscious of our breathing, the mind naturally slows down and it is easier to control our thoughts.當我們放緩,並成為意識到我們的呼吸,心中自然放緩,這是比較容易控制我們的思想。 When we meditate our breath should be so gentle that if someone placed a feather by our mouth it would barely move.當我們冥想我們的呼氣應如此溫柔,如果有人放置了一個羽毛我們的嘴,它會勉強動議。

2. 2 。 Stop Thoughts entering.停止思考進入。 This is often easier said than done.這常常是說起來容易做起來。 However it is the essence of meditation.但它的本質是冥想。 If we can learn to stop our mind from pursuing endless thought then we will be able to enter into real mediation; real meditation is inner silence.如果我們能夠了解阻止我們的腦海,從追求無止境的思想,然後我們將能夠進入真正的調解;真正的冥想是黨內的沉默。 Sri Chinmoy says the essence of meditation is斯里蘭卡清說的本質是冥想

“When we meditate we empty our minds and then fill our minds with something divine.” (1) “當我們冥想,我們空洞的頭腦,然後填寫我們的頭腦,一些神” ( 1 )

3. 3 。 Mantra.口頭禪。 The use of mantra can be of great help in quietening the relentless noise of the mind.使用的口頭禪,可有很大的幫助,在quietening無情噪聲的頭腦。 A mantra is a sacred word or phrase repeated many times.一的口頭禪是一個神聖的詞或短語,反复多次。 By repeating a mantra we calm the mind and also make it one pointed.重複1的口頭禪,我們平靜的心,也使它一指出。 After chanting a mantra meditation will be easier.後一唱的口頭禪冥想便較容易。

4. 4 。 Meditation Shrine.冥想靖國神社。 If we can create a sacred space for meditation we will gain added inspiration.如果我們能夠創造一種神聖的空間,冥想,我們將獲得補充的靈感。 A meditation shrine can be a small corner of a room we keep only for meditation.冥想靖國神社可以是一個小角落的一個房間,我們只保留為冥想。 Over time we will find this space builds up a meditative consciousness helpful to our meditation.隨著時間的推移,我們會發現這個空間建立了冥想意識,幫助我們的沉思。

5. 5 。 Regularity.規律。 Like many other activities the more we practise meditation the better we will become.像其他許多活動,我們越是執業冥想更好,我們將成為。 If we meditate sincerely everyday then we will find that our capacity to meditate increases.如果我們真誠地冥想,每天的話,我們會發覺,我們的能力,以冥想的增加。 If our meditation is sporadic, progress is much more difficult.如果我們的冥想是零星的,進展是困難得多。

6. 6 。 Spiritual Heart.精神的心。 If we struggle to calm the mind and stop the unceasing flow of thoughts we can try meditating on the spiritual heart.如果我們的鬥爭,以平靜的心,並停止不斷流動的思考,我們可以嘗試冥想對精神的心。 We should try to feel our whole sense of awareness is leaving the mind and entering the heart.我們應該盡量覺得我們的整體意識,意識是離開的思想和進入心臟。 If we are able to meditate in the heart we will identify with the expansive and divine qualities the spiritual heart embodies.如果我們能夠在冥想的心臟,我們會找出與膨脹和神聖素質的精神,體現了心。

7. 7 。 Concentration.濃度。 To meditate well we need to master the art of concentration.以冥想,以及我們需要掌握的藝術濃度。 In essence concentration involves focusing on only one thing at a time.在本質上集中涉及側重於只有一件事在一個時間。 If we can be one pointed and not get distracted, then our meditation will become very powerful.如果我們能一指出,和得不到的注意力,那麼我們的冥想將成為非常強大。

8. 8 。 Inspiration.啟示。 Meditation should be viewed as a lifelong process of self – discovery.冥想應被看作是一個終身的過程中的自我-新發現。 It is important to try and maintain our enthusiasm and inspiration for meditation.這是很重要的嘗試,並維持我們的熱情和創作靈感的冥想。 We can do this by associating with other like minded people who also meditate.我們可以做到這一點關聯,與其他志同道合的人士一樣,誰也冥想。 If we can find a real spiritual teacher this will also give us significant inspiration to meditate.如果我們能夠找到一個真正的精神的教師,這也給我們的重要啟示,以冥想。

9. 9 。 Never Give Up!永不放棄! Sometimes we meditate well but sometimes we feel meditation is most difficult.有時候,我們冥想良好,但有時我們覺得冥想是最困難的。 However it is important that we should not become discouraged just because of an unsuccessful meditation.不過這是很重要的,我們應該不要灰心,只是因為一次不成功的冥想。 Often we may be making progress, even if it is not always immediately obvious.我們常常可能會取得進展,即使是並不總是立即顯而易見的。

10. 10 。 Intensity.強度。 Meditation doesn’t just mean sitting down quietly for 10mins.冥想並不僅僅意味著坐下來靜靜地為10分鐘。 If we have real eagerness to experience the inner rewards of meditation, we will give it all our focus.如果我們有真正的渴望的經驗,黨內獎勵的冥想,我們將給予我們所有的工作重點。 When we feel this burning aspiration, our technique of meditation becomes less important.當我們覺得這燃燒的共同願望,我們的技術冥想成為同樣重要的。 Instead our soul will come to the fore and our meditation will become spontaneous.不是我們的靈魂會來前列,我們的靜坐將成為自發的。