True prosperity has a spiritual basis.真正的繁榮,有一個精神基礎。 “God is the Source of your supply.” So states Catherine Ponder in her wonderful book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. "上帝的根源在於你的供應" ,所以國凱瑟琳想一想,在她的書中精彩的動態規律,繁榮。 Just as we engage God through prayer for that which we claim to be true, and we connect with God spiritually through the practice of meditation, so too do we give the GIFT of Tithing to consistently keep in touch with the Infinite Source of our supply, God.”Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving,” according to Dr. Ponder.正如我們在從事上帝祈禱,為那些我們聲稱自己是真的,我們連線與上帝精神上通過實行冥想,所以也做給我們的禮物,以鄰始終保持聯繫與無限源供應,神"系統給予開闢了道路系統的接收, "根據醫生的思考。 Giving to God 10% of that which we have received to persons or places where you are receiving your spiritual nourishment allows you to enjoy true prosperity with wondrous results.給上帝的10 % ,其中,我們已收到個人或地方,你都收到你的精神食糧,讓你享受真正的繁榮,令人驚奇的效果。

The practice of the ancient law of prosperity is as old as we are as a species.實踐中的古代法律的繁榮,是由於舊的,我們作為一個物種。 From primitive man who offered sacrifices to his gods to evolving civilizations of Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese, tithing (the word “tithe” means “tenth”) was a way of life.從原始的人祭祀著他的神,以不斷變化的文明的埃及人,巴比倫人和阿拉伯人,希臘人,羅馬人及中文版,鄰(字"什一稅"是指"十五" ) ,是一種生活的方式。 “The ancients intuitively knew that giving, sharing and putting God first financially was the first step to permanent, enduring prosperity,” writes author Ponder. "古人直覺地知道給予,分享和把上帝首先在財政上是第一步,以永久,長期繁榮" ,寫作者的思考。 They felt that ten was the magic number of increase.他們認為, 10個被魔術隊的人數有所增加。

Some of the most prominent millionaires of the twentieth century attributed their extraordinary success to the practice of tithing.一些最突出的百萬富翁的二十世紀歸功於其非凡的成功實踐十分之一。 Catherine Ponder reports, “In 1855, as a young man, John D. Rockefeller began tithing.凱瑟琳思考報告" ,在1855年,作為一個年輕的男子,約翰D洛克菲勒開始十分之一。 His total income for that year was $95.00 from which he tithed $9.50 to his church.” However, she goes on to say, “between 1855 and 1934, he gave away $531 million dollars.他的總收入為這一年是95.00美元他從tithed 9.50美元向他的教會" ,但是,她接著說, " 1855年和1934年,他一語道破了天機。 531000000美元美元。 His standard reply to critics of his generosity was ‘God gave me my money.’”So many of the plans for becoming wealthy and rich focus on “getting” and forget about “giving.” These schemes are not based on a spiritual foundation.他的標準回答批評他的慷慨是'上帝給予了我自己的錢' "這麼多的計劃,富而思進和豐富的重點放在"獲得"忘記"給予"這些計劃是不是基於一種精神的基礎。 When God is in the equation, wealth (meaning well-being and wholeness) is assured.So what are we really doing when we are giving the GIFT of Tithing?當上帝是在方程,財富(指福祉和整體性) ,是assured.so什麼是我們真正做的時候,我們讓禮品的十分之一? We are saying, “Thank you, God” for the generous bounty that we have received.我們說: "謝謝你,上帝" ,作慷慨的恩惠,我們已經收到。

I recently read the most revealing paragraph in Joel Goldsmith’s book, Consciousness Transformed.我最近看過最暴露段的Joel戈德史密斯的書,意識轉化。 In it he states: “A mistake has been made on the subject of tithing.在這,他指出: "一個錯誤已經取得了關於這一主題的十分之一。 Since it was discovered that those who tithe never know lack or limitation, it was believed that if you would teach this to people, they would always be prosperous,” writes the founder of the Infinite Way.因為它被發現,那些耶和華說永遠都不會知道缺乏或限制,據認為,如果你教這個人,但他們永遠繁榮, "寫的創始人無窮。 “This is not true,” he continues. "這是不正確的, "他繼續說道。 “Tithing is something that can only take place when individuals receive inwardly the realization of what great gifts of God they have received, and in gratitude decide to share some part of it,” Joel says. "敬畏耶和華是一件只能發生時,個人的內心得到實現什麼偉大的禮物,上帝的,他們已收到,並在感激,決定與各位分享一些它的一部分"的Joel說。 “This sharing is just with the idea of thankfulness for the realization of God’s grace, and it is for this reason that those who spontaneously come to tithe are always generously and abundantly provided for,” Mr. Goldsmith concludes. "這是分享與剛才的想法感恩,為實現上帝的恩典,這是由於這一原因,那些自發前來十分之一總是慷慨解囊,並充分提供, "金先生說。 Tithing is the active ingredient of Gratitude that prospers not only the tither but the recipient of the tithe as well.敬畏耶和華是活性成分的感激之情說,蓬勃興起,不僅tither但受贈人的什一稅等。

Tithing is the act of giving gratitude for the 100% we received by leaving 10% with our Source-that is, the person(s) or place(s) where we realize the Presence of God in our lives.敬畏耶和華的行為給予感謝為百分之一百,我們收到留百分之十,與我們的信源,那就是把人( S )或到位( )的地方,我們認識到存在的上帝在我們的生活中。 Traditionally tithing has been associated with giving to the place of worship to which we belong.傳統鄰已經與給地方的崇拜,這是我們所屬的。 Often, “theologians have tended to stress what tithing would do for the church, instead of what it could do for the tither,” says Dr. Catherine Ponder.通常, "神學家都傾向於強調什麼,將鄰為教會,而不是什麼可以做,為tither博士說: "凱瑟琳思考這個問題。 Yet, upon closer examination of Tithing as a spiritual practice (not a mechanical one of obligation), we can only conclude that it is the individual who will be prospered and blessed through tithing.然而,仔細考察的十分之一作為一種精神實踐(而不是一個機械的一個義務) ,我們只能得出一個結論,它是一個個別的人會蓬勃發展,並通過有福鄰。 Naturally, the recipient will be too, since it’s all God.當然,受贈人將可在不久的,因為它的所有的上帝。 There are countless stories about the financial, prosperous success that comes from giving the GIFT of Tithing.有無數的故事,金融,繁榮的成功,來自於賦予的禮物十分之一。 “Since I have been tithing, I have more money to spend, not less,” reports one student of this class. "既然我已十分之一,我已花費更多金錢,而不是更少, "報告有1名學生的這門課。 “I put in my tithe last week and suddenly the check that I have been expecting for months came in the mail.” “Since the start of this class and my stepping into giving the GIFT of Tithing, my house sold.” The stories go on and on. "我在我的十分之一上週突然檢查,我一直期待著幾個月來在郵件" , "開始以來,這門課和我踏進給予禮品敬畏耶和華,我的房子賣"的故事去就和操作方法。 I have also heard this one repeated: “I was thriving financially and in so many ways when I was in class, but I stopped Tithing after it was over and I’m back in the same ‘soup’ I was in before.”我也聽到這樣一個反复說: "我在欣欣向榮的財力,而且有這麼多的方式,當我在課堂上,但我鄰停止後,它已經過去,我回來了,在相同的'湯' ,我在之前" 。

So what can you expect when you begin to give the GIFT of Tithing?那麼你如何能指望當你開始給禮物的十分之一?

• Fear usually shows up. •恐懼通常顯現。 I don’t have enough now.我沒有足夠的現在。 How can I possibly…?我怎樣才能可能… … ?

• Memories of previous associations with the word “tithe” may surface. •回憶以前的社團與"什一稅"可能浮出水面。

• Trust will become the plank to walk when beginning this practice. •相信將成為木板走路時,一開始採用這種做法。

• Surprise may ensue when you notice the amount of money you have to use after giving 10% to God. •驚喜可能接踵而至的時候,你看到了多少錢,你必須使用後,給予百分之十至神。

• Doubt may surface when the above is not the immediate experience or when unexpected expenses show up instead. •疑問,可表面時,上述並非即時經驗或當意外支出顯示出來。

• You may be surprised at the wisdom and judgment you are using to manage the money you have been given. •您可能會驚訝於智慧和判斷,你是用管理這筆錢,你得到的。

• You will enjoy the ease with which you are able to meet your financial obligations. •您將享受到放心,你是能夠滿足你的財政義務。

• You will notice that your connection in God deepens and thus your spiritual life expands and your consciousness of wealth grows. •您會發現您的連接,在上帝的深化,因此你的精神生活,拓展和你的意識日趨富裕。

• You will find that you want to give more than 10% to a variety of places of spiritual nourishment. •你會發現你不想給10 %以上,以各種地方的精神食糧。

• You’ll wonder how you ever managed to live without giving the GIFT of Tithing. •你會懷疑你如何以往任何時候都設法活而不給予禮物的十分之一。

©Diane Harmony is in the business of personal and spiritual empowerment. ©戴安和諧是,在商業的個人和精神的權力。 She is an author, platform speaker, workshop/class teacher and facilitator, ordained Minister of Religious Science and guide on spiritual retreats.她是一個作家,平台議長,車間/班主任和推動者,受戒部長,宗教和科學指南精神務虛會。 Diane has been published in Science of Mind Magazine, Awareness Magazine, Inner Visions Magazine, and Daily Guides of Prayer.戴安已發表在科學的心態雜誌,雜誌的認識,黨內遠見雜誌和日常導遊的禱告。 She is the author of the award winning book, 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life: Create a Consciousness of Wealth.她是作者的獲獎圖書, 5禮物,為豐富生活:創造意識的財富。 A gifted teacher, Diane has taught over 40 prosperity classes to hundreds of students.資優教師,戴安告訴超過40繁榮班的數百名學生。 In 2002, she succeeded in successfully creating an 8 week Prosperity Course entitled 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life! 2002年,她成功地開創了一個8個星期繁榮當然有權五日禮物,為豐富人生! (Today, Diane is the leader of her own company, Universal Harmony Inc., whose vision is to empower the planet’s population with the spiritual insight, knowledge and tools to live life in abundance, joy and peace). (今天,戴安處於領先地位,她擁有自己的公司,世界大同的公司,眼光獨到,是授權地球上的人口與精神的洞察力,知識和工具,以珍愛生命中的光彩,歡樂與和平) 。 You can visit her web site at:你可以訪問她的網站,網址如下: 5 Gifts五禮物