For hundreds of thousands of people, the dream of making an Internet fortune works like this: Earn pennies at a time in exchange for allowing Google Inc. or Yahoo Inc. to place advertisements on a personal or small-business Web page.對於成千上萬的人,夢想,使互聯網財富工程是這樣的:賺取便士,在一段時間的交流,讓Google公司或雅虎公司以刊登廣告對個人或小型企業的網頁。

Take Andrew Leyden, former House Commerce Committee counsel and founder of a dot-com venture that failed, who started, a search engine for podcasts.以鄭家富萊登,前眾議院商業委員會律師和創辦一個網絡泡沫創業失敗,他們開始 ,搜索引擎,為播客。 As the site’s popularity rose from a hundred hits a month in 2004 to nearly a million now, Leyden started making the equivalent of an entry-level government worker’s salary — $30,000 to $40,000 a year — simply because people clicked on ads.由於該地段的人氣上升,由百創一個月, 2004年有將近100萬,現在萊登開始製造相當於一個入門級政府工人的工資-$ 3 0000,以4 0000美元一年-簡單,因為人們點擊廣告。 That allowed him to work at home in Chesapeake Beach, Md., trying to make more money by attracting still more traffic to his site.這讓他在家裡工作,在切薩皮克灣,馬里蘭州,試圖賺更多的錢,吸引更多的車輛分流到他的網站。

“I went from literally 26 cents a week or something like that to several dollars an hour,” he said, by using Google’s AdSense software, which solicits bids from marketers who, in turn, pay to run ads on his site. "我去,從字面上26美分,一個星期或類似的東西,要幾美元一個小時, "他說,通過使用Google的AdSense軟件公司,該公司索取投標書,從營銷的人,反過來,以支付廣告上他的網站。 “I get paid while mowing the lawn. "我得到報酬,而修剪草坪。 I get paid while cleaning the garage.我得到支付,而清洗車庫。 I get paid driving my wife to her office, buying groceries, seeing a movie, playing video games, or just surfing the Internet.我得到支付駕駛我的妻子,以她的辦公室,買雜貨,看電影,打電動遊戲,或者只是在網上衝浪互聯網。 That’s really the nice thing about AdSense: No matter what I’m doing, people keep clicking and I keep getting paid.”這真是好東西有關AdSense :無論我在幹什麼,人們不斷發出咔嗒本人一直收到支付" 。

A decade ago, the Internet dream was to score through venture-capital financing and by raising cash in public stock offerings.十幾年前,互聯網的夢想就是以分數通過風險資本融資,並提高現金在公開認購新股。 Now, people with creative ideas can get rich relatively quickly by permitting advertisers to piggyback on any Web site that attracts a lot of viewers.現在,人們有創意的想法,可以先富起來比較快,允許廣告商借任何網站吸引了大量的觀眾。 Technology can direct ads to more and more specific audiences, rewarding entrepreneurship on the smallest scale — even Web pages filled with obscure and homemade content.技術可以直接廣告越來越多的具體對象,獎勵創業上最小的規模-甚至網頁上充滿了含糊和自製的內容。

“We have a segment of customers called hopeful hobbyists” who have Web sites devoted to anything they might care about, from crochet to sailing, and who hope to eventually make enough money to quit their day jobs, said Willan Johnson, vice president of Yahoo Publisher Network, which launched a test version of its software last year. "我們有部分客戶要求希望玩家" ,他們有網站專門討論什麼,他們可能會關心,從鉤針向航行,並希望最終使足夠的錢辭去一天的工作時說, Willan律師約翰遜,副總裁雅虎出版商網絡,推出了其測試版軟件去年。

David Miles Jr. and Kato Leonard, two 20-year-olds in Louisville, Ky., say they collect $100,000 a month from their year-old site,, which gives away designs that people can use on MySpace social-networking pages.朱英里Jr 。和加藤安仔,兩名20歲的學生在肯塔基州Louisville說,他們收集十萬元,每月從他們今年舊址, ,讓遠離設計,人們可以使用在MySpace社交網絡頁。 One couple blogged about their home reconstruction and made money to help pay the mortgage on their new house.一對夫婦博客網站對他們的家重建和賺錢,以幫助支付按揭對他們的新房子。 Jock Friedly’s business, Storming Media LLC, allows users to download public documents; he used the money his Web site made on ads for new online ventures.英軍friedly的業務,強攻Media LLC公司,讓用戶下載公共文件,他用這筆錢在自己的網站上作了廣告,為新的在線企業。

Companies like Google, in turn, also find profit in such sites.公司像Google ,反過來又找到利潤,在這些工地。 In the second quarter, Google got $997 million, or 41 percent of its revenue, through the network of Web sites that host ads through the AdSense system.在第二季度, Google得到997000000美元,或41 %的營收,通過該網絡的網站主機廣告通過AdSense的制度。 Its software, like Yahoo’s, prices ads based on popularity.其軟件,雅虎一樣的,廣告價格的基礎上的普及。 When users click the ads, the software keeps detailed records, including the number of page views and the amount of commission the site’s host earns from the ad — all of which Web site owners can keep track of by logging on to their accounts.當用戶點擊廣告時,該工具會自動保留詳細的記錄,包括有多少頁的意見和金額的佣金該網站的主機收入來自廣告-所有這些網站擁有者可以記錄登錄自己的帳戶。 Every month, Google pays publishers by check or direct deposit.每到月中, Google的自付出版商用支票或直接存款。

Ad publishers must be approved through Google, to ensure that the ads don’t subsidize pornography or gambling, or contain material that is racist, violent or related to illegal drugs.專案出版商必須獲得通過Google ,以確保這些廣告不補貼色情或賭博,或含有這就是種族主義,暴力或與之有關的非法毒品。 Among other things, Google says it watches to make sure people don’t inflate their revenues by clicking on their own ads — a practice known as “click fraud” that has plagued online marketing.除其他事項外, Google表示,手錶,以確保人們不誇大自己的收入通過點擊自己的廣告-一種被稱為"點擊欺詐"一直困擾著網上營銷。

The popularity of making money this way also has led to creation of “made-for-AdSense” Web pages that contain little content and lots of ads, which critics say clutter the Internet and divert online searches.民望賺錢,這種方式也導致了創作的"為AdSense的"網頁中含有很少的內容和大量的廣告,批評人士說,雜波互聯網和疏導網上搜索。

The system depends on the cooperation of advertisers, who have to see that their money is well spent, said Jennifer Slegg, an online publisher who is a consultant on AdSense and Yahoo Publisher Network, and who makes roughly half her income from AdSense ads.該系統依賴於合作的廣告主,他們看到他們的錢是用得其所,說珍妮佛slegg ,在線出版商,他們是一個顧問AdSense和雅虎出版商網絡,是誰使大約一半的收入來自AdSense的廣告。

“I hear tons of stories about people who were facing bankruptcy but now are able to pay off their houses in full,” she said. "我聽到噸故事的人,面臨破產,但現在有能力支付過自己的住宅充分, "她說。

Tracking clicks and the money they earn itself has become a passion for Leyden.跟踪點擊和金錢,他們賺取本身已成為一個熱愛萊登。 “In the middle of the night, I’ll wonder how much I made,” he said, so he’ll check his page’s status every 15 minutes. "在半夜吧,我不知道我是多麼的進展, "他說,所以他將核對頁的地位,每15分鐘一班。

The money that comes in acts like microfinancing for many sites, said Kim Malone, director of AdSense.錢進來行為像小額資助,為許多網站說,金正日馬龍,主任AdSense的。 “We’re enabling creativity, 5 cents at a time.” "我們很有利的創造力, 5美分的時候" 。

Friedly, for example, started his company in Washington in 2001 to make it easier for contractors, scientists and researchers to find, download and purchase public documents. friedly ,例如,開始了他的公司在華盛頓, 2001年,使之更容易為承辦人員,科學家和研究人員來尋找,下載和購買公共文件。 He reluctantly signed up to put ads on the site.他不情願地簽署了向廣告地盤。 “I was skeptical because when you sell something, you want to focus on the product, not refer people to other Web sites,” he said. "我是持懷疑態度,因為當你賣出什麼東西,你要專注於產品,而不是指人到其他的網站, "他說。

But with more than 10,000 hits a day, the income started adding up.但超過10000次,每天的收入開始加入到了。 “I was surprised by how much we made. "我很驚訝多少,我們取得了。 It was an excellent supplement to the business, because we didn’t have to do a lot.”這是一個很好的補充業務,因為我們沒有做的工作很多" 。

Friedly has since started PatentStorm LLC, a site where businesses can search patent records, without outside investment. friedly自開始patentstorm LLC公司網站上的一個企業可以檢索專利記錄,在沒有外部投資。 “In essence, Google has turned into a venture capital or an angel investor in my business.” "在本質上, Google已經變成了一個風險資本或天使投資者,我的生意" 。

But if Google giveth, it also taketh away, Friedly said.但如果Google給予的,它也去掉了friedly說。 As people put up more sites that compete with his for traffic, the number of hits on his main site has declined.當人們把更多的網站競爭與他的交通,點擊次數就他的主要網站已經下降。

By Yuki Noguchi由由紀野口
Washington Post華盛頓郵報