By Dian Hymer 由滇hymer

One way to make money in real estate is to buy a property that no one else wants and turn it into a property that’s in high demand.其中一個方法賺錢,在房地產,是購買物業,沒有其他人想要把它變為財產的需求很高。 Although the plan is simple, finding the right property in the right location and then buying it at the right price takes time, patience and expertise.雖然該計劃很簡單,找到正確的財產在正確的位置,然後買它在適當的價位,需要時間,需要耐心和專業知識。

Finding a property can be a real challenge, particularly if you’re looking in a market that’s low on inventory.找到物業,可以是一個真正的挑戰,尤其是如果你想要在市場上的低庫存。 When the listing inventory is low, and buyer demand is high, you can find yourself competing even for a run-down fixer-upper.當物品的庫存是低的,和買方需求量高時,您可以在這裡找到自己的競爭,甚至為一個運行下來固定器上。

The combination of a low asking price and perceived potential is a big draw.結合低的要價和潛在的,是一個很大的吸引。 You need to guard against paying too much in this situation.你需要防範付出太多,在這種情況。

Years ago, a developer bought a property that was sold to settle the estate of the deceased owner.幾年前,一位開發商買了財產被出售給定居死者的遺產的主人。 The house was in a wonderful location and had a spectacular view, but it needed a lot of work.眾議院是在一個奇妙的位置,並有一個壯觀的看法,但它需要大量的工作。 The developer ended up in competition with another buyer and paid way over the asking price.發展商結束了在競爭中,與另一買主和支付方式要價。

He put the property back on the market a year later after he’d completed the renovations.他把財產重新回到市場一年後,他'd完成翻修工作。 During that time, the market changed from a seller’s to a buyer’s market.在這段時間裡,市場的變化,從賣方市場向買方市場的。 The developer had trouble selling the property.發展商已經麻煩出售財產。 After calculating the money invested and the cost of carrying the property, the developer actually lost money.經過計算金錢投入和成本進行了財產,開發商實際上失去了金錢。

Market conditions have a big effect on how much money you’ll make on a fixer project.市場的情況有一個很大的影響,多少錢你會作出一個固定項目。 The ideal time to buy is at the end of a down cycle in the market, when there are few buyers and a lot of listings.最理想的時間去購買,是在去年底一個週期下來,在市場上的時候,是有幾個買家和大量的物品。 This is when you might actually find a good deal.這是時,你可能會發現其實是一個很好的協議。 If the market turns upward while you’re renovating the property, you’ll realize appreciation in addition to the added value you create through renovations.如果市場轉折向上,而您正在裝修,物業,你會明白讚賞除了附加值您創建經過翻修。

Financing a fixer-upper can be a challenge.資助一個固定器上,可以是一個挑戰。 If the deferred maintenance is obvious, a lender might not be willing to lend unless some of the problems are corrected before the loan is funded.如果推遲維修是顯而易見的,貸款人未必願意借給除非的一些問題得到糾正之前,貸款有著落。

House Hunting Tip: Major fixers are best left to buyers who have experience in contracting and renovation.眾議院狩獵提示:主要的固定匯率是最好留給買家有經驗,在承包和裝修。 However, cosmetic fixers can offer great opportunities for buyers who are interested in increasing their net worth through renovation.然而,化妝品的固定匯率,可以提供巨大的機遇,為買家有興趣在增加其資產淨值,透過翻新。 A cosmetic fixer is a listing that lacks appeal, but that’s structurally sound.化妝品固定器是一個上市缺乏吸引力,但是這必須在結構健全。

In order to maximize the return on your investment, make sure that the improvements you make to the property are in sync with current buyer preferences in your area.為了最大限度地回報你的投資,切實把改善你作出的財產都在同步與當前買方偏好,你的地區。 Your real estate agent may be able to provide you with this information.你的房地產經紀人可能無法向您提供這方面的資料。 You may want to consult with a local designer to find out which finishes and colors are popular.您可能要徵詢與當地的一個設計師,以找出哪個飾面和顏色都很受歡迎。

Before diving into a rehab project, become an expert on your local real estate market.前跳水到康復項目,成為一個專家對您當地的房地產市場。 You need to know local values in order to keep from over-improving for the neighborhood.您需要了解當地的價值觀,以保持從過度提高,為居委會。

Here’sa fix-up strategy that works well for some buyers.下面,不動了戰略工程,以及為一些買主。 Buy a cosmetic fixer and occupy it.買化妝品固定和佔領。 Buyers who occupy the property get a better interest rate on their mortgage than they would if they didn’t occupy the property.買家佔據財產得到較好的利率,其按揭比他們,如果他們不佔有該財產。 This will save you money.這將節省你的錢。

Fix up the property and sell it if the market is good when you finish the project.解決了財產,並賣掉它,如果市場是好的,當你完成這個計劃。 If it’s not, enjoy living in the property and sell when the market is right.如果不是,享受生活在物業和出售時的市場是正確的。 The current tax law allows homeowners $250,000 of tax -free gain when they sell ($500,000 for married couples who file jointly).現行的稅收法律允許屋主$ 250000免稅增益時,他們出售( 50萬元為夫妻共同文件) 。

The Closing: Tax-wise, you can repeat this strategy once every two years if you can find good projects and can stand living in a construction zone.截止:稅收上,你可以重複這一戰略每兩年一次,如果你能找到好的項目,並能站在生活在一個建築區。
Copyright 2003-2006 Dian Hymer.版權2003-2006殿hymer 。 Distributed by Inman News Features分發曼新聞特寫