By Osho 由职业安全及健康条例

Your emotions, your sentiments, your thoughts–the whole paraphernalia of the mind–are manipulated by the outside.你的情绪,您的情绪,您的想法-整个用具的心态是操纵对外开放。 Scientifically, it has become more clear now, but even without scientific investigation the mystics have been saying exactly the same thing for thousands of years–that all these things your mind is filled with are not yours; you are beyond them.科学,它已成为更明确的现在,但即使没有科学的调查,神秘主义者一直在说的完全一样的事,千百年来-所有这些事情,您的想法是充满了不属于您,您是超越他们。 You get identified with them, and that’s the only problem.你确定与他们,这就是唯一的问题。

For example, somebody insults you and you become angry.举例来说,有人侮辱你,你成为愤怒。 You think you are becoming angry, but scientifically speaking the other person’s insult is only functioning as a remote control.你以为你是越来越愤怒,但科学讲其他人的侮辱,只是运作作为一个远程控制。 The person who has insulted you is managing your behavior.人谁也侮辱了你的是,管理您的行为。 Your anger is in his hands; you are behaving like a puppet.您的愤怒是在他手中;你是行为就像一个木偶。

Now scientists are able to put electrodes in the brain at certain centers, and it is almost unbelievable.现在,科学家们正在能够把电极在大脑中,在某些中心,这是几乎令人难以置信的。 The mystics have been talking about it for thousands of years, but only recently has science discovered that there are hundreds of centers in the brain controlling all your behavior.该神秘主义者一直在谈论它千百年来,但只是在最近的科学发现,有数百个中心,在大脑中控制您的所有行为。 An electrode can be put at a particular center–for example, the center for anger.一个电极可以把在某一特定中心为例,中心的愤怒。 Nobody insults you, nobody humiliates you, nobody says anything to you; you are sitting silently, happily, and somebody pushes a button on a remote control and you become angry!没有人侮辱你,谁侮辱你,没有人说什么你;您正坐在默默耕耘,令人高兴的是,有人把一个按钮,远程控制和您成为愤怒! It is a very strange feeling because you cannot see the reason anywhere, why you are becoming angry.这是一个很奇怪的感觉,因为你不能见的原因,在任何地方,你为什么成为愤怒。 Perhaps you will rationalize it somehow.也许你会合理化,它在某种程度上。 You see a man passing by in the hallway and you remember that he insulted you–you will find some rationalization just to console yourself that you are not going mad.你看到一名男子路过在走廊里,你记得,他侮辱你-你会发现一些合理化的只是安慰自己,你是不是疯了。 Sitting silently .坐在默默耕耘。 . . and suddenly feeling so angry without any provocation?和突然的感觉,所以愤怒的无任何挑衅?

And the same remote controller can work to make you happy.和相同的遥控器可以工作,使你高兴。 Sitting in your chair you start giggling, and you look all around–if somebody is watching you he will think you are going crazy!在您的坐在椅子你开始嬉笑,你看看周围-如果有人看着你,他会认为你是去疯了! Nobody has said anything, nothing has happened, nobody has slipped on a banana peel, so why are you giggling?没有人说什么,没有什么事情,没有人会下滑,对一香蕉皮,所以为什么你嬉笑? You will rationalize it, you will try to find some rational grounds for giggling.您将合理化它,你会尝试以找到一些合理的理由,嬉笑。 And the strangest thing is that the next time the same button is pushed and you giggle, you will again come up with the same rationale, the same consolation, the same explanation–not even the rationalization is yours!和奇怪的是,在未来的时间相同的按钮是推你giggle ,你将再次想出了同样的理由,同样的慰藉,同样的解释-甚至不合理化是你的! It is almost like a gramophone record.它几乎像一个留声机纪录。

When I was reading about the scientific investigations into these centers, I was reminded of my student days.当我读有关科学的调查,这些中心,使我想起我的学生时代。 I was a competitor in an inter-university debate; all the universities of the country were participating.我是一个竞争者,一个跨大学辩论;所有大学的国家参加。 The Sanskrit University of Varanasi was also participating, but naturally the students from Sanskrit University were feeling a little inferior compared with competitors from other universities.该梵文大学的瓦拉那西还参加,但自然的学生从梵文大学心情一点不亚于与竞争对手相比,从其他大学。 They knew ancient scriptures, they knew Sanskrit poetry, drama, but they were not familiar with the contemporary world of art, literature, philosophy, or logic.他们知道古老的经文,他们知道梵语诗歌,戏剧,但他们并不熟悉的当代世界艺术,文学,哲学,或逻辑。 And the inferiority complex works in very strange ways.和自卑情结工程,在很奇怪的方式。 . . .

After I had spoken, the next person was the representative from Sanskrit University.之后,我曾发言后,未来人是代表从梵文大学。 And just to impress the audience and to hide his inferiority complex, he started his speech with a quotation from Bertrand Russell–he had memorized it, and Sanskrit students are more capable of memorizing things than anybody else.只是为了和观众留下深刻的印象,并隐藏他的自卑情结,他开始了他的讲话与报价由罗素-他曾背诵它,梵语的学生更能够记忆的东西比别人。 But his stage fright was such .但他的怯场是这样的。 . . he knew nothing about Bertrand Russell, he knew nothing about what he was quoting.他一无所知,罗素,他一无所知,他引用。 It would have been better to have quoted something from Sanskrit, because he would have been more at ease.它会得到更好的向所引述的东西从梵语,因为他会更安心。

In the middle he stopped–just in the middle of a sentence.在中东,他停止在中东的一个句子。 And I was sitting by his side, because I had just finished.和我坐在他身边,因为我刚刚完成了。 There was silence, and he was perspiring, and just to help him, I said, “Start again”–because what else to do?有沉默,和他perspiring ,只是为了帮助他,我说: “重新开始” ,因为还有什么做什么? He was simply stuck.他只是被卡住了。 I said, “If you cannot go ahead, start again; perhaps it may come back to you.”我说: “如果你不能继续前进,重新开始;也许可能回来给你” 。

So he started again: “Brothers and sisters .因此,他开始再次说: “兄弟和姐妹。 . .” and at exactly the same point he got stuck again. 。 “ ,并在完全相同的一点,他再次坚持。 Now it became a joke.现在,它成为一个笑话。 The whole hall was shouting, “Again!” and he was in such a difficult situation.整个会场高喊, “再次” !和他在这种困难的局面。 Neither could he go ahead nor could he keep standing there silent; it would look too idiotic.他也不能继续进行,他也不可能保持沉默的站在那里,它会研究太愚蠢。 So he had to start again.因此,他不得不重新开始。 But he would start at the very beginning, “Brothers and sisters .但他将开始在开始时, “兄弟和姐妹。 . .” “ 。

For the whole fifteen minutes we heard only that portion–beginning with “Brothers and sisters .为整个15分钟我们听到的只有那一部分-开始与“兄弟和姐妹。 . .” and going up to the point where he got stuck, again and again. “持续上升,以点,他坚持,一次又一次。 When his time was finished he came and sat next to me.当他的时间完成了他来坐在我旁边。 He said, “You destroyed my whole thing!”他说: “你摧毁了我整个的事” !

I said, “I was trying to help you.”我说: “我是试图帮助你” 。

He said, “This is help?”他说: “这是帮助” ?

I said, “You were going to be in difficulty anyway.我说: “你将会有困难的,无论如何。 This way at least everybody enjoyed it–except you, that I can understand.这样,至少每个人都享有资讯科技,除了你,我是可以理解的。 But you should rejoice that you made so many people happy!但你应该庆幸你取得这么多的人民幸福! And why did you choose that quotation?和您为什么选择这报价? When I was saying to you, ‘Start again’ there was no need to start over from the very beginning–you could have dropped that quotation, there was no need.”当我是说给你, '重新开始' ,因此没有必要重新开始从一开始-您可以有下降,即报价,有没有必要“ 。

But I came to know through reading the scientific research that the speech center is exactly like a gramophone record, but with one thing very strange and special.但我知道,来通过阅读的科研认为,讲话中心正是像一个留声机纪录,但同一件事很奇怪和特别。 The moment the needle is taken away from the record you can put the needle back at the spot where you took it from, and go on from there.目前的针头是取去从记录中,您可以把针头回的地方,你把它从,并继续在那里。 But in the speech center, when the needle is taken away and put back again, the center instantly goes back to the very beginning.但在讲话中中心,当针头是带走,并再次,该中心立即可以追溯到十分开始。

If this happens, can you say you are the master of what you are saying?如果发生这种情况,你能说你是主人你是什么意思吗? Are you the master of what you are feeling?你的主人,你是什么感觉? Certainly there are no electrodes implanted in you, but biologically exactly the same work is going on.当然有没有电极植入在你,但在生理上完全一样的工作正在进行中。

You see a certain type of woman, and immediately your mind reacts: “How beautiful!” This is nothing but the remote control.你看到某种类型的女子,并立即反应您的想法: “如何美丽! ”这不过是远程控制。 That woman functioned like a remote control attached to an electrode, and your speech center simply went into its recorded speech: “How beautiful!”那个女人的运作就像一个远程控制连接到电极上,且您的讲话,中心只需进入其录得的讲话: “如何美丽的” !

The mind is a mechanism.心是一个机制。 It is not you.这是不是您。 It records things from outside, and then reacts to outside situations according to those recordings.它记录的东西,从外部,然后作出反应以外的情况,根据这些录音。 That’s the only difference between a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian and a Jew–they just have different gramophone records.这是唯一的区别,印度教和穆罕默德和一个基督徒和犹太人,他们只是有不同的留声机纪录。 But inside, it is one humanity.但是内部,这是一个人类。 When you play a gramophone record .当您播放的留声机纪录。 . . it may be in Hebrew, it may be in Sanskrit, it may be in Persian, it may be in Arabic, but it is the same machine that plays the record.它可能会在希伯来语,它可能在梵语,它可能在波斯,它可能在阿拉伯语,但它是在同一台机器上播放的纪录。 To the machine it does not matter whether it plays Hebrew or Sanskrit.以机器也不要紧,是否发挥希伯来文或梵文。

All your religions, all your political ideas, all your cultural attitudes are nothing but recordings.您所有的宗教,您所有的政治理念,您所有的文化态度,只不过是录音。 And in certain situations, certain recordings are provoked.和在某些情况下,某些录音挑衅。

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